Safer Sex for Transguys, A Guide for the Whole Spectrum

Safer Sex for Transguys de James Cullen est un guide anglophone de sécuri-sexe pour les garçons trans.

Safer Sex For Transguys
Safer Sex For Transguys
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En complément du PDF téléchargeable ci-dessus, voici maintenant, en version texte, le guide lui-même.


There’s tons of safe sex material out there, covering just about anything you could imagine. What makes it specific to a group of people is the way it’s written, or the language it uses.

As transguys, we know what a difference language can make. It can be hard for us to work with mainstream language for body parts that we don’t necessarily identify with, or sexual acts that are one thing to us and seem to be another thing to the rest of the world.

Let’s throw out some transguy-friendly language here : package, cock, dick, tits, chest, boy-boobs, dicklet, boyhole/manhole, non-standard equipment.

Feel free to throw your own words in there, too. Sometimes the words we use are sexy, sometimes they’re funny, and sometimes we just need a word to get the point across.

Let’s talk about common sense, baby…(or, how I learned to stop worrying and love safe sex)

Basically, a little bit of common sense can go a very long way. The most important thing to remember is that body fluids are what carry diseases and make sex unsafe. So instead of worrying about that long, scary health-class list of what sexual situations are or aren’t safe, just remember this:


The most risky thing is blood, cum is next on the list (anyone’s cum, not just from bioguys!) and lastly, spit and sweat are pretty safe, although there’s still a risk there for annoying things like mono or the flu.

So common sense tells us that if it’s the juices we need to worry about, then we need to find ways to have our fun without, you know, “sharing” too much.

Condoms are great for getting fucked, but unfortunately they tend to be a bit too big for trannycocks. Luckily, there’s a glove trick: cut a glove along the thumb side from the wrist to about where your first thumb knuckle should be. The thumb of the glove becomes your condom, and the rest of the glove hangs free to cover all the other important stuff from your cock to your ass. This takes some practice, so be sure to grab a glove and scissors before the magic happens! Gloves come in polyurethane as well, which can be thinner than latex and allow for more sensation. You can also use a latex dental dam or Saran Wrap to cover the whole area, then you’re free to go at it with your dick or mouth. If you don’t have a dental dam or saranwrap around, try cutting a condom lengthwise to make a flat rectangle of latex to use.

A note on Saran Wrap: they make a microwavable version: don’t use that! It’s full of microscopic holes in it that are great for venting steam, but not so great for keeping out STDs.

Alright, what if….

Okay, so maybe you met someone totally, hot, things got moving pretty quick, and now you’ve got a bit of an itch, or something. It’s okay, it happens…but ya gotta get that checked out. Going to the doctor can be extra scary for guys like us, so now what?

Many cities have LGBT-friendly health clinics. If you don’t know of one in your area, try asking around, look in your local gay or alternative newspaper, or try calling the Queer student union at the nearest university. When looking for a doctor, definitely ask around for advice…word of mouth is the best way to know you’ll get what you need!

Telling your tale: disclosure

Every guy has his own thoughts when it comes down to disclosure, or what some guys call “Giving up the T.” Some guys will only be with partners that they know are aware and accepting, some guys are more willing to tread into open waters. Some guys will give up the T as soon as they start flirting, some may never tell.

It’s your right to decide what’s best for you, and it may change in different situations. Just remember disclosure can be a safety issue…trust your instincts.

Some starting points: “I’ve got girl parts, but I fuck like a man” “I’m not your average boy.” “Ever heard of an FTM/trannyboy/etc?” “My bits are a little different than most guys.” “I was diagnosed female at birth, but obviously, the doctors were wrong”

A bit of random trivia before we go.

Anyone that bleeds monthly can get pregnant..not just women! There may also be a short window of time after starting Testosterone where pregnancy may still be possible.

Testosterone usage has been linked to the possibility of, ahem, “vaginal dryness,” which can lead to minor tearing during penetrative sex, which in turn can raise the risk of STD transmission. So remember…plenty of lube!

Glove-less penetration with hands can be relatively safe as long as your hands are fee of cuts and abrasions. To check, rub some lemon juice or peroxide over your hand or fingers…you’ll feel it if there’s a problem. Just remember to wash your hands for your partner’s sake!

Safer Sex for Transguys from the guys at Trannywood Pictures

Lube – Most water-based lubes have glycerin as a main ingredient. Glycerin can feed or encourage yeast infections. If you get yeast infections regularly, you should avoid products with glycerin. Some lubes that are not glycerin based are Slippery Stuff, Sliquid, and a number of others that can be purchased at Babeland or Good Vibrations. Lubes are essential for safe sex, since they help avoid tearing of the body and of condoms.

Condoms – Whether playing with a cock on an trans guy or non trans guy, condoms make it easier to clean up and avoid fluid sharing. Try different condoms to find out the one that fits and feels best.

Testing – It’s never a bad idea to get HIV or STD tested. Where we are located, we advocate some STD testing every 3 months and HIV testing every 6 months.

Toys – Keep your toys clean and don’t share them unless they are sterilized or with a condom on. Look at the directions that came with the toy, look on websites like Babeland and Good Vibrations for the best way to clean different toys. This will keep your toys lasting longer and avoid cross contamination of bacteria.

Hygene – Regular washing will reduce transmission of many common germs. Showering after sex can help protect you. Showering before sex can help protect your partner and possibly others.

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